New Patient Information

Welcome to our clinic! Thank you for considering our services! We understand how overwelming it can be join a new clinic; not to worry! We took care of all the guess work for you. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us via email or phone.


Office Tour & In-Depth Health History

Your story in regards to your health began from the moment you were born. During this time, we will discuss everything that has happened to you till this point and the reason for your visit.

Your story is important.


Neurological Exams & Scans

Upon completion of the health history, we will begin the comprehensive neurological exam which includes movement tests and scans. We need to understand what is going on with your health in order to determine the causes of your challenge(s).
We are in this together.


Care Plan Creation

Everyone has their own story because no two people are created the same. Dr. Joe takes all the detailed information from the consult and connect and comes up with a comprehensive and individualized care plan, focused on getting you the results you want.
Customized for you.


Report of Findings

Dr. Joe will discuss his Report of Findings, which includes, your neurological exam results, the phases of care we provide at Erlandson Clinic Of Chiropractic, and your individualized care plan. Our goal is to give you all the information and tools to become the leader of your health!
Your health. Your choice.


Patient Form Documents

Click on the links below to download our patient documents.

Adult Patient Paperwork

Child Patient Paperwork

Protected Health Information

Cancellation Policy